JCU, Halls of Residence Burralga Yumba

Community interaction through public placemaking and idea sharing.

nettletontribe collaborated closely with James Cook University and local architects i4architecture to create a design that honours Townsville’s tropical climate through premium community landscaping.

The lively and inviting streetscape draws in students and staff, strengthening the Magnetic Island pedestrian Axis and fostering a deep connection to the land by incorporating local Indigenous narratives into the design.

The building addresses the Ideas Market, Magnetic Island link and TIC building by opening the visual line from Mt Stuart Street across the Ideas Market toward TIC. The Café at the ground floor sits adjacent to the ideas market in the under croft of this wing with an awning roof that follows the line of the TIC entry wall. Pushing the building east also provides a sympathetic response to the indigenous centre to the south. The entry and lifts are located close to the ideas market with a clearly defined awning signalling the building entry.  

A private tropical courtyard is created between the two western wings with the central self-catered kitchen overlooking and activating Mt Stuart Street, with games and lounges siting at the south opposite the dining.

The architecture successfully delivers an environment that is highly connected to its surroundings, whilst celebrating and promoting the unique tropical urban landscape of Townsville.
big architectural building


The functional and aesthetic requirements are efficient and climate-sensitive which clearly registers as a high-quality residential development. The positive feedback is a testament to the experience that nettletontribe has from working on a large range of student accommodation projects and universities.


AIA Sustainability Architecture
Regional QLD Commendation
U.S. Green Building Council
LEED Gold Rating