Light Horse Interchange

The Light Horse Interchange Business Hub is located at the intersection of the Westlink M7 and M4 Western Motorway.

An innovative business hub.

The concept approach to the built form of this Business Hub is to build an architectural treatment towards a high-quality and cohesive estate for industrial users.

It comprises a discrete parcel of land that is separated from the broader parklands. It is surrounded by established and developing employment-generating land uses to the north & west. The architectural forms are envisaged as having simple, rational, repetitious, and well-proportioned buildings accented with high-equality elements around the entry and office components.

The buildings will be set in a discrete parcel of land – the unified language of signage, fencing, and public domain elements will ensure consistency in the estate's character. Landscaping is one of the main features of the precinct with detail and effect concentrated on the more human areas of the development around office, building, and carpark entry points.