757 Ann Street
757 Ann Street is a commercial development (8000 m² NLA) designed to enhance the Fortitude Valley neighbourhood, addressing issues of scale, form and character.
Particular attention has been paid to the design of the ground level podium which responds directly to the proposed subtropical boulevard of Ann Street. The facade on the corner of Ann and Morgan Streets is an integrated art concept that signifies the entrance to the Morgan Street precinct which includes St Patrick’s Church.
The building mass is articulated along the Ann Street facade as a way to engage the public realm. Manipulation of the base creates implied two and three-storey volumes which presents a more human scale. This strategy acknowledges the surrounding built form and responds to the fine-grain aspect of the area’s urban fabric.

Juxtaposition of raw and textured materials with smooth and refined contemporary materials makes reference to an industrial heritage set against the new and emerging character of Fortitude Valley. The development targets aspects of PCA A-Grade and 4-star Green Star rating systems.