The Albany Coles

nettletontribe was appointed by Coles to design a significant mixed use project for the Willoughby Road retail strip in Crows Nest incorporating a paved pedestrian plaza and key retail amenities including a new Coles supermarket.

Reinvigorating the northern precinct of Crows Nest.

This project reinvigorates the northern precinct of Crows Nest and forms the northern gateway to this growing urban village. Above the supermarket on Atchison Street will be a new public plaza, childcare centre and restaurant precinct, 4 levels of apartments and a new public car park for 250 cars. North Sydney Council and Coles are to be congratulated for their patience and commitment to the long term revitalisation this development brings to Crows Nest. This is a great example of Local Government and the private sector collaborating and working toward an outcome which will benefit the people and businesses of Crows Nest.


DRIVENxDESIGN Sydney Design Awards - Architecture for Mixed Use Constructed
Silver Winner
DRIVENxDESIGN Sydney Design Awards - Architecture (Proposed)
Silver Winner
UDIA NSW Awards - Excellence in Mixed-Use Development