Waratah Mills

Within the inner-west suburb of Dulwich Hill sits Waratah Mills, the award-winning project which saw heritage listed flourmills and silos from the 1920s refurbished and converted of into 84 unique and contemporary residential apartments.

1920's heritage listed flourmills and silos

Adopting the disused flourmill into a successful example of residential renewal, the design incorporated apartments into the existing volume of the Mill’s buildings. Balconies protrude sharply from within the silo structures, creating a play of light upon the curved silo walls while the original character and purity of the silos’ cylindrical forms remain pleasingly intact.

The overall use of resilient industrial materials throughout the development is deliberate and further enhances the bold design. The robust brick skin of the mill has been retained and featured internally. Robotic in nature, the new Hopper building’s form and materials re-interpret the industrial nature of the site.

Waratah Mills is an acclaimed architectural masterpiece, celebrated with numerous awards for its exceptional design and historical significance.

The project successfully achieved a balance between resolving amenity issues and maintaining the architectural integrity of the existing built forms.


Winner of Urban Taskforce Award
Best Adaptive Re-use
Winner of UDIA Awards
Urban Renewal
Energy Australia National Trust Heritage Awards
Adaptive Re-use
Winner of Master Builder NSW Awards
Resource Efficiency for Medium Density
Winner of Housing Industry Association Awards
Development of the Year
Winner of Housing Industry Australia Greensmart Awards
Winner of Housing Industry Associations Awards
Resource Efficiency