Kemps Creek No. 13 Distribution Drive

Kemps Creek’s No. 13 Distribution Drive is a notable industrial estate located within the First Estate precinct, owned by Aware Real Estate, developed in partnership with Barings (formerly Altis Property Partners).

As the final piece of this precinct, it represents a significant development in the area’s industrial landscape.

This industrial estate offers six units of varying sizes, ranging from 500sqm to 1800sqm, catering specifically to smaller lease holders. The design provides flexibility for tenants to expand their space requirements if needed. Each unit features a generous 100sqm mezzanine area over the entry points, ensuring efficient utilisation of space.

nettletontribe addressed the site’s unique triangular shape within the design by prioritising functionality and creating a smooth flow for smaller user operators. One of the key considerations was the integration of a shared 28m wide hardstand, ensuring that shared truck movement does not impede or disrupt the neighbouring tenants.

As a testament to nettletontribe’s commitment to sustainability, the project has achieved an impressive Green Building Council of Australia rating of 5 Star-Green Star As-Built. This recognises our adherence to environmentally-friendly practices and energy-efficient design principles.

To overcome the challenges posed by the irregular site constraints, the design strategically reserves the sidewalls of the site for car parking, while elevating the offices above. This layout allows for efficient truck movement through the central shared area, promoting ease of transportation and creating a synergy between tenants. Furthermore, by utilising the varying levels of the site, the design provides convenient entry podiums to the warehouses on the eastern side, while also granting direct access to the western built form. Additionally, a shared covered landscape break out area has been included at the western edge, providing a dedicated space for relaxation and fostering social interaction among tenants.