Urbain Residences
Urbain Residences is situated between the local shopping and eatery strip of the Crows Nest village and the high-density residential zone of the St Leonards commercial precinct.
The principle is to sculpt and breakup the form of the building envelope into finer grain details and materials to reflect a more human scale that fits into the Crows Nest village context. Dynamic and flowing forms peel away from the façade to function as bay windows to collect northern light and privacy control. The design utilises all sides of the building, while sensitively addressing interface, daylight and privacy issues. The resulting built form relates to the context in scale and within the streetscape.

There are 34 high quality apartments within the building with a generous landscaping perimeter buffer and a communal roof terrace for resident use. The material palette is a mixture of the robust and fine grain with an emphasis on simplicity. Much thought was dedicated to the planning of the apartments to maximise resident amenity in solar access, cross ventilation and privacy control, while making full use of the development potential of the site.