July 5 2021

the tribe is 50!

2021 marks a significant milestone for nettletontribe. It marks our 50th year of practice. We are immensely proud of this incredible achievement + it comes at an exciting time where we are growing and involved in significant projects nationally.

It marks the celebration of a journey which began in 1971, when based out of 43 McLaren Street, North Sydney, initially as Lumsdaine Nettleton Tribe. From when Mike Tribe and Gerry Nettleton met as young architects at Priestley & Lumsdaine in the late 60’s, joining Geoff Lumsdaine, so began the nettletontribe story. Formed in an economy booming under a high spending Whitlam government, only to cut their teeth through their first recession in 1975.

Fast forward 50 years and we are currently in our third generation of directors, nettletontribe enjoys a national presence, we are fortunate to have over 90% repeat clients, and currently have over 125 talented and driven staff.

The challenges of the past and upcoming years aren’t lost on us, however we will find a way. From our inception, nettletontribe has experienced the highs and lows of our industry, + we have built a business which has achieved sustained growth over our 50 year history.

I would like to take the opportunity on behalf of the directors and staff of nettletontribe to welcome you to the next 12 months, which provides us with a wonderful opportunity to reflect on what we have achieved, + a chance to celebrate with our staff + the valued relationships of our clients and industry colleagues.

We start our internal programme with an “origins of nettletontribe” reflection by our director Mike Morgan, I doubt there is anyone who knows us more, and we are fortunate that he has been with nettletontribe for over 40 years.

There will be moments throughout the year where we share the nettletontribe story and we welcome your feedback.

Be safe, I look forward to catching up personally.

Managing Director